Code of conduct

Inspirations :

This data challenge aims to be a respectful, inclusive and aquitable workplace, where joy and good mood are present. For this, a code of good conduct has been written. Any registration and participation means an approval of these conditions.

The organizers of the data challenge wish to create an environment that facilitate exchanges, work, kindness and mutual assistance between participants. No form of humiliation, intimidation, discrimination or harassment will be tolerated during the challenge. Indeed, threatening, humiliating, intimidating, abusive and discriminatory behaviors have a negative impact on the smooth running of the challenge, by creating a hostile environment and preventing the sharing of ideas and exchanges.

Participants must show respect and courtesy and comply with this code of good conduct, throughout the challenge, during social activities, outside the event and also on social networks.

The organizers strive to provide a secure place that benefits everyone regardless origin, language, disability, age, physical appearance, identity and sexual orientation, religion, political and other opinions and socio-economic status.

Examples of behaviors contributing to an environment conductive to work and exchanges:

  • be kind and attentive to each other
  • respect each person's limits
  • be welcoming and inclusive
  • be professional
  • be respectful of a divergent point of view
  • accept and provide constructive feedbacks
  • be empathic, honest and respectful with others
  • respect the work and presententions of others
  • warn a member of the organization if a situation is considered dangerous, if a person is in distress or if there is a violation of this code of good conduct, even if it seems unimportant
  • Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:
  • harassment (in all its forms, e.g. moral, physical)
  • deliberately intimiding, stalking or tracking somone
  • degrading, insulting, discriminating, racist, sexist, humiliating speech
  • the use of images, comments or jokes of a sexual, racist or discriminatory nature
  • the production of discriminatory texts, images or presentations
  • taking unwanted pictures or recordings
  • prolonged or deliberate disruption of presentations or the smooth running of the challenge
  • inappropriate physical contacts (including non-consensual physical contacts)
  • inappropriate behavior in a professional context

Participants asked to stop any inappropriate behavior must comply immediately under penalty of sanctions deemed appropriate by the organizers or explusion from the chellenge without reimbursement.

Thank you for participating and helping to make this challenge welcoming and friendly! Enjoy the data challenge!



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